BIBLE CLASSES( Before Worship): At 9:30 AM the adult class meets upstairs to discuss and learn about Biblical Instruction from the Father for His children. We are currently studying The Distinctive Pattern and Nature of the church. Come and let us reason together. We are also working on the possibility of having classes for kids and teens as the need arises.

WELCOME: At 10:30 AM We always try to greet our visitors warmly because we know how important each individual is in the eyes of God. We are thankful and honored that you have taken the time and made the effort to be with us.

DIALOGUE: At the beginning of our services, we like to gather information and talk about who in our family needs prayers, upcoming church events,  and connecting with visitors. If you have any prayer requests we will be happy to include them in our service and add them to out list of prayer needs.

PRAYER: We open our worship and close our worship with prayer. Prayer is our avenue of communication with God, and as such it is an integral part of our service.

SINGING: You’ll discover that we enjoy singing too, as it is one of our primary ways of praising God. You can join in, or just listen. You’ll notice, too, that our singing is a cappella, that is, singing without instrumental accompaniment. We enjoy this style because it encourages everyone to participate and because it is the style of the early Christian church.

COMMUNION: (or Lord’s Supper). Every Sunday we share in this meal as a token of our fellowship with God and as a reminder of what our Savior sacrificed to make our fellowship with Him possible. It is a time both for celebration of our life in God and for personal reflection.

PREACHING/LESSON: You can expect to hear a message from the Bible, God’s word. We intend our messages to be practical and relevant to our lives, as well as challenging.

OFFERING: An offering will be taken during the service. This is, of course, how our church finances the many things we do and want to do in the future. If you are visiting with us, please use this time to fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the basket.